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Should you use the word 'smooth' to describe whiskey?
Check out my article on InsideHook where I defend why it's perfectly fine to describe a whisky, or any spirit for that matter, as smooth. Why It’s Perfectly Fine to Describe Your Whisky as “Smooth”
Aaron Talks Home Distilling Live With Two Brewing Legends
The Brewing Network's Jamil Zainasheff (Heretic Brewery & Distillery) and John Palmer (How To Brew) were live on Facebook discussing home distilling. As John and Jamil are expert homebrewers whose Brew Strong podcast is targeted at experienced brewers, the conversation was aimed at those that may be home brewing already and looking to start in distilling. Check it out here - The Brewing Network's Facebook Page.
Interview with How To Distill author Aaron Hyde on InsideHook!
What is tequila made from?
Tequila, a type of mezcal spirit, traditionally made in Mexico, is made from the blue agave plant (agave azul). The piña, or core of the agave plant is typically steamed in a horno, a large oven. The core of an agave plant can weigh up to 300lbs making it difficult to harvest, transport, and cook. The cores are typically harvested at a smaller size, between 50-120lbs. The traditional ovens are quite large to accommodate several piñas at once, and are often made of clay or stone. There are several types of agave that are grown in different regions of Mexico and used...
Buying a Moonshine Still? Here are what aspects and what stills to consider.
If you're looking to make true moonshine, the clear unaged whiskey of the Appalachians and beyond, you'll need a good, reliable still. A moonshine still is often seen as a large copper monstrosity, roughly put together, sealed with rye flour paste, and directly heated over a wood fire, but that was more so a matter of necessity than convenience for old moonshiners. The old timers didn't want anyone to assemble such a large still for them, leaving knowledge of their intent with someone else, and a possible paper trail to their operation. Building the still themselves would also save money. ...